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Kyle Klus

Potato tray

Ingredients (approx. 4 servings)

1 - 2Tomatoes (or one bell bell pepper)
2Garlic cloves
250 gFeta cheese
500 gMinced meat
-Paprika spice


  1. potatoes cut into slices about 1 cm thick and spread on a baking sheet.
  2. tomatoes / peppers and feta cheese cut into cubes.
  3. preheat oven to 180ยฐ top/bottom heat.
  4. brown minced meat, season and add pressed garlic cloves.
  5. add tomatoes / peppers to the minced meat and cook for a few minutes on medium heat in the pan.
  6. put everything on a tray and sprinkle with feta cheese.
  7. put the tray in the oven until the cheese is lightly browned and the potatoes are cooked through.